Secure perimeters nullify 50mph trucks

Perimeter Asset Protection Systems has pioneered a range of high security ‘cordons’ to nullify attacks by trucks at speeds up to 50mph and maintain a secure perimeter.

The SecureGuard systems immobilise vehicles trying to penetrate perimeters around high-security installations or events. The new range of SecureGuard systems will be on show for the first time at Counter Terror Expo 2012.

SecureGuard is a mobile high-security range of products all tested to PAS 68:2010 to withstand multiple attacks by a 7.5 tonne truck at speeds of 20, 30 and 50mph without them breaching a security perimeter.

It is the product of a unique collaboration between Zaun, Hardstaff Barriers and Highway Care (HC Security Solutions), which combines the design, technical, manufacturing, logistics and installation resources of three leading system providers UK.

The SecureGuard 50 system offers the ultimate modular protection, particularly suitable for installation alongside public access perimeter road networks.

SecureGuard 50

When incorporated with a high-security fence, it offers 50mph – 90-degree protection within a relatively small footprint. Additionally, it protects the high-security fence from hostile vehicle attack and accidental breaches by errant vehicles.

SecureGuard 30, and its Type 2 configuration, gives full 30mph protection for 90-degree impacts and has been developed for rapid installation with minimum shallow anchoring in hard ground and soil anchors for soft ground, making it extremely versatile.

SecureGuard 30

The SecureGuard CB elements can be rapidly installed, and because they are only one metre long, they can follow alignments that other systems cannot achieve.

The SecureGuard 20 system provides 20 & 30mph protection in an easily and quickly installed system for both temporary and permanent requirements.

All SecureGuard barrier systems can be combined with Zaun’s existing fencing panels and post designs, reducing the required footprint of the fence line.

They are ideal for applications such as utility plants, as no below-ground foundations are required and can be used on soft and hard standing. They give protection up to 5m in height and can incorporate above-ground foundation pedestrian and vehicle gates, turnstiles and access portals, along with CCTV columns and PID systems.

SecureGuard Pedestrian Gates

PAS 68:2010 is the latest of BSI’s Publicly Available Specifications for vehicle security barriers, the benchmark for Hostile Vehicle Mitigation equipment. It specifies the stringent regime for products to be tested against.

Featured products:

  • SecureGuard
  • SecureGuard PAS 68

About Zaun

Zaun is the only in-house British Manufacturer of Woven and Welded Mesh Fencing Systems. For 27 years, they have been the trusted manufacturing partner for sports and physical perimeter security. With a wide range of fencing, gate, and HVM solutions they can offer Protection Through Innovation for your next project.

Located in the West Midlands, they are a privately owned company first formed in 1996 and continuing to promote British manufacturing on the world stage. A proud member of Made in Britain and Made in the West Midlands, Zaun has worked on numerous projects around the world from Border Security and Airports, to Sports and Critical National Infrastructure.

The continued investment in their manufacturing processes and systems has enabled the latest in problem-solving and innovation. At the same time, an approach to ‘The Right People in the Right Places’ puts the customer experience at the heart of their business.

The quality of their wide range of systems is assured through ISO 9001 and third-party certification for high-security and HVM solutions including LPS 1175, Secured by Design, Approved for UK Government Use (NPSA), and PAS 68.

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